Returning to Fitness After Baby, 4 Things You Need to Know

It’s important to take the time to properly heal before jumping back into exercise. You brought a healthy baby earth side and when you are ready— we are here and equipped at The WOMB Guelph to help you reach your movement goals. 

Returning to fitness after baby doesn’t have to be scary. So, to keep things light, let’s position getting back into exercise like a familiar fairy tail— Goldilocks and the Three Bears* comes to mind. *insert your hair colour here. 

You shouldn’t start working out too early…

You don’t want to wait too long…

You'll need to find something that is just right.  

So, when should you slip on those yoga pants (if you haven’t already been living in them) for a mini sweat session?  Read on, because today we are spilling the tea on 4 things to consider before you return to exercising after baby. 

1. Wait at least 6-weeks to begin movement

Midwives orders! Our team recommends waiting the customary 6 weeks before you begin excessive movement after baby. You should also avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby after birth. We know that exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and boosts your mood AND your energy levels  — ohhh those endorphins— but hold your horses until getting the all clear from your practitioner. 

2. Start slow, Mama
We know, you’ve spent 9+ months slowing down, but please remember to keep your pre-baby fitness limitations in mind. What do we mean by that? Well, don’t start with 35lb kettlebell swings if you’ve never done CrossFit before. And don’t attempt a 5K if you've only ever run around the block. You may be in a hurry to feel more like yourself again but start slow. Our team recommends low-impact movement and then work your way up to becoming Mama Hulk. Now, if you’ve had a Caesarean, know that your body is still healing internally for up to 12 weeks!  At the WOMB Guelph, we have MANY postpartum fitness classes that have been created to help YOU ease  back in to movement (and with baby in tow!) You’ll love our parent and baby yoga classes and our Physio Pilates classes that are overseen by a Pelvic Physiotherapist just to name a few. 
Speaking of that…

3. Reach your goals by working with  a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
"What if I pee when I skip, jump, or run?" It’s a question we get asked all the time. We’ve got news for you, that is perfectly normal — but it doesn't have to be your forever. In fact, it shouldn’t be! We recommend speaking to one of our Pelvic Physiotherapists for a consult to learn how to strengthen your pelvic floor before returning to strenuous movement. The pelvic floor muscles are like any other skeletal muscle in the body and they need to be restored after childbirth – whether vaginally or by caesarean. At The WOMB Guelph, we have practitioners who are here to work with you to strengthen those muscles and help you reach your goals. 

"...we do really gentle core strengthening, reconnection pelvic floor awareness, breath-work, and postural support to get you ready to go back to your favourite fitness and exercise programs.”
-Shannon Clutton Carr, Registered Physiotherapist

4. Don’t restrict your calories
 Say it with us — calories + fluids! If you are breastfeeding your baby NEEDS you to consume calories, carbs, and healthy fats to produce breast milk. Just ask our resident in house Lactation Consultant and expert Abby or one of our talented Naturopaths

PRO-TIP: You may need to size up on your sports bra to account for your growing breasts. The best part about attending one of our fitness classes at the Womb is that no one will even think twice if you happen to leak through your top. #momlife 

Our Pelvic Physiotherapists work with you to ensure your body is responding and ready for movement  but the rest of our team is here to support you every step of the way. Remember that taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical. The goal is to have you feeling good about yourself on every level, so book yourself a massage after class with one of our RMT’s or stay for a warm drink after class. 

We can't wait to host you and see you reach all of your goals. 





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